Prepared by: Theresa Cardey
We hope you have found the Lenten series presented by the Outreach Committee to be informative and educational. Now we are wrapping up this phase of the committee’s work.
The following is a summary of what we’ve learned so far:
Where do we go from here?
As our Outreach committee moves forward our plan is:
We are very encouraged by the level of interest and support we’ve been receiving. We know that working together, we can make a positive difference.
Loving God, we come to you with broken hearts for all children, adults and families who are living with no shelter, insecure shelter and/or unsafe shelter.
Help us keep their plight forefront in our mind so that through our prayers and actions we can find ways and means to participate in the ongoing quest to provide safe, warm and secure shelter for all in need.
Be with organizations, politicians, community groups and individuals who dedicate their energies toward providing warm, safe shelter; toward providing livable incomes and providing opportunities for a better life for those in need.
Be with our St. Paul’s community so that we may be guided in our efforts to educate ourselves and move forward with actions that can help to make a difference.
Recovery for All:
“I'm living proof we can end homelessness”
Recovery for All:
"Dana’s Story”
St. Paul’s United Church, Dundas