A Foretaste of the Heavenly Banquet

A Foretaste of the Heavenly Banquet

A Foretaste of the Heavenly Banquet

About Us

St. Paul's is a Christian faith community that strives to fulfill the spiritual needs of all age groups and guide them in making that spirituality relevant in today's world. As you walk through our doors, you will find a welcoming atmosphere and a warm, nurturing Christian home.

Our Mission

to grow in faith,
in love of God, all human beings, and the world God created.
We gather on the traditional territory of the Neutral, Haudensaunee and Anishinaabe peoples.
This territory is protected by the "Dish With One Spoon" wampum.
We acknowledge their stewardship of this land throughout the ages.

Our Behavioral Covenant

With the desire of creating a safe space which affirms God’s love for us, we hope to live in community, in a welcoming, warm, and nurturing way.  Seeking to live in a way that reflects the life and teachings of Jesus we will hold ourselves and each other lovingly accountable. To live harmoniously we will relate to each other with compassion, respect, humility, open-mindedness, courage and grace.   We will remain sensitive to power differentials in relationships and seek to share power. Some of the ways we will live out these values are:
•    Recognize that we are all beloved and unique gifts from God;
•    Support and care for one another with compassion.

•    Recognize that each person has wisdom to offer;
•    Create an inclusive environment (e.g. accessible, scent free, peanut free);
•    Create a safe environment recognizing personal space (e.g. appropriate non-sexual touching with consent, no bullying).

•    Believe the best of each other and give each other the benefit of the doubt;
•    Offer our opinions with charity and humility;
•    Seek to reach consensus, as much as possible, on significant congregational decisions, but where it is not possible, we will seek to be loyal to the decision of the majority.

•    Create a space where everyone’s voice is heard;
•    Listen to each person’s truth respectfully, empathetically and without interruption;
•    Seek to discover what is best for our church, not what may be best for “us” or for a few.

•    Invite each person to communicate (in person & electronically) clearly, completely, & directly, with honesty, integrity & gentleness;
•    Accept disagreement, conflict and evaluation as normal and natural;
•    Challenge the status quo.

•    Be willing to admit mistakes, forgiving ourselves and others, following God’s example by offering grace and forgiveness as we live out our faith;
•    Lean into God’s transformative love.

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